Friday, May 20, 2011

By Allah I Would Have Performed My Salah

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يقول رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
نعمتان مغبون فيهما كثير من الناس .. الصحة والفراغ
The Prophet sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam was reported to have said, "There are two blessings in which people are cheated: health and leisure time." [Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 81, Chapter 1, Hadith No. 6412, p. 1232.]
هذا الايميل فيه قصة حقيقية سريعة ومصوّرة
لعلها تغير حياتك وطريقة تفكيرك وأولوياتك في الحياة
This is a true story with pictures.
It may change your life, way of thinking and aims in life.
تدور مجرياتها حول شخص من البحرين اسمه : إبراهيم ناصر
ابتلاه الله عز وجل بإعاقة كاملة في جسده منذ ولادته ... حيث اكتشف والداه بأنه مُصاب بضمور في العضلات .. لا يستطيع تحريك إلا رأسه وأطراف أصابعه فقط
حتى التنفس يتم عن طريق أنابيب تخترق رقبته لتصل إلى القصبة الهوائية
It is a story of a person from Bahrain named Ibrahim Nasser. He has been paralyzed completely since birth and can only move his head and fingers. Even his breathing is done with the help of instruments.
كانت أُمنية هذا الشاب أن يقابل الشيخ نبيل العوضي
قام والد إبراهيم بالإتفاق مع الشيخ نبيل العوضي دون علم إبراهيم بأن يزوره في بيته .. وذلك لتكون مفاجأة لإبنه
وهاهو الشيخ يغادر مطار الكويت متوجهاً نحو البحرين
It was the wish of this young man to meet sheikh Nabeel Al-Awdi. So Ibrahim's father spoke the sheikh on the phone in order to arrange a visit to Ibrahim.
This is sheikh Nabeel in the airport.
كان شعور إبراهيم رائعاً وهو يرى الشيخ نبيل العوضي يفتح باب غرفته ليشاهده أمامه .. حيث أصبحت أمنيته حقيقة يراها بعينه ، ولم نرى سعادته سوى من نظراته فقط لأنه لا يستطيع الكلام
Ibrahim was very happy to see sheikh Nabeel open the door to his room. We can only see his happiness from his expression as he is unable to speak
The moment sheikh Nabeel entered Ibrahim's room
And this is Ibrahim's expression on meeting sheikh Nabeel
لاحظوا أنابيب التنفس التي لولاها مات إبراهيم .. لا يستطيع حتى أخد أنفاسه بنفسه
Notice the breathing instrument around Ibrahim's neck.. he is unable to even breath normally.
And a kiss on the for head for Ibrahim
Ibrahim with his father, uncle and sheikh Nabeel
وبدأ حديث الشيخ نبيل مع إبراهيم حول الدعوة عبر الإنترنت .. والجهود التي يبذلها فيها وذكر له بعض القصص والمواقف
Thus sheikh Nabeel and Ibrahim started talking about da'wa on the internet and the striving it requires.
They also exchanged some stories
وفي أثناء الكلام سأل الشيخ نبيل العوضي سؤالاً لإبراهيم
هذا السؤال جعل إبراهيم يجهش بالبكاء .. ونزلت دموعه بغزارة
And during their conversation sheikh Nabeel asked Ibrahim a question. A question that made Ibrahim weep... and tears rolled down Ibrahim's cheek.
Ibrahim couldn't help but weep when he remembered some painful memories
Here sheikh Nabeel wipes the tears from Ibrahim's face
هل تعرفوا ما هذا السؤال الذي أثر في إبراهيم
Do you know what question it was that made Ibrahim weep?
قال له الشيخ : يا إبراهيم .. لو أن الله أعطاك الصحة والعافية .. ماذا كنت تتمنى؟
The sheikh asked: Oh Ibrahim.. if Allah had given you health.. what would you have done?
فبكى حتى أبكى الشيخ وأبوه وأخوه محمد وكل من بالغرفة .. حتى
المصور نفسه بكى
And thus Ibrahim wept bitterly and he made the sheikh, his father, his uncle and everyone in the room weep.. even the camera man wept
وكانت إجابته : والله يا شيخ كنت أديت صلاتي في المسجد على أكمل وجه .. واستخدمت نعمة الصحة في كل ما يرضي الله سبحانه
And his answer was: By Allah i would have performed my salaa (prayer) in the masjid (mosque) with joy.. i would have used the favor of health in everything that would please Allah Subhanehu we Ta'ala
الله أكبر يا إبراهيم .. والله إنك أخجلتني من ربي ومن نفسي
إخواني وأخواتي ..
أنعم الله علينا بالحركة والعافية
ولا نصلي الصلاة في المسجد !!!! ونجلس بالساعات على الإنترنت أو امام التليفزيون
Dear brothers and sisters Allah has favored us with agility and health
But we do not perform our salaa in the masjid!!! And we sit for hours in front of the computer or TV
وإن أحببت مشاهدة هذا اللقاء الأكثر من رائع ..
ماعليك سوى النقر على هذا الرابط
"Indeed in this there is a remembrance for those who have a living heart, listen attentively and are awake to taking heed." [Holy Qur'an : Qaaf: 37]
May Allah guide us to the right path & keep us stead fast in that . Ameen
With very best Regards & Duas

Inspiring Story:She’s my sister

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by Muhammad Alshareef* Mohammad Alshareef translated the following story from the book "Azzaman Alqaadim" and gave it as his final speech at the MYNA East Zone conference. It is a very moving story which had the entire audience in tears. I hope that inshallah it moves you like it did me.
Her cheeks were worn and sunken, and her skin hugged her bones. That didn't stop her because you could never catch her not reciting Qur'an. She was always vigil in her personal prayer room that our father had set up for her. Bowing, prostrating, raising her hands in prayer, was the way she was from dawn to sunset and back again; boredom was for other people.
As for me, I craved nothing more than fashion magazines and novels. I treated myself to videos until the trips to the rental place became my trademark. It’s a saying that when something becomes habit, people tend to distinguish you by it. I was negligent in my responsibilities and my salah was characterized by laziness.
One night, after a long three hours of watching, I turned the video off. The adhan rose softly in the quiet night. I slipped peacefully into my blanket.
Her voice called me from her prayer room. "Yes? Would you like anything Noorah?" I asked.
With a sharp needle she popped my plans. "Don't sleep before you pray Fajr!"
Agghh! “There's still an hour before Fajr. That was only the first adhan,” I said.
With those loving pinches of hers, she called me closer. She was like that even before the fierce sickness shook her spirit and shut her in bed. "Hanan, can you come sit beside me."
I could never refuse any of her requests; you could touch the purity and sincerity in her."Yes, Noorah?"
"Please sit here."
"Alright, I’m sitting. What's on your mind?"
With the sweetest mono voice she began reciting:
Every soul shall taste death and you will merely be repaid your earnings on the Day of Resurrection.
She stopped thoughtfully. Then she asked, "Do you believe in death?"
"Of course I do,”I replied.
"Do you believe that you shall be responsible for whatever you do, regardless of how small or large?"
"I do, but Allah is Forgiving and Merciful, and I’ve got a long life waiting for me."
"Stop it Hanan! Are you not afraid of death and its abruptness? Take a look at Hind. She was younger than you but she died in a car accident. Death is age-blind and your age could never be a measure of when you shall die."
The darkness of the room filled my skin with fear. "I'm scared of the dark and now you made me scared of death. How am I supposed to go to sleep now? Noorah, I thought you promised you'd go with us on vacation during the summer break."
Her voice broke and her heart quivered. "I might be going on a long trip this year Hanan, but somewhere else. All of our lives are in Allah’s hands and we all belong to Him."
My eyes welled and the tears slipped down both cheeks. I pondered my sisters grizzly sickness. The doctors had informed my father in private that there was not much hope Noorah was going to outlive the disease. She wasn't told, so I wondered who hinted to her. Or was it that she could sense the truth?
"What are you thinking about Hanan?"Her voice was sharp. "Do you think I am just saying this because I am sick? I hope not. In fact, I may live longer than people who are not sick. How long are you going to live Hanan? Perhaps twenty years? Maybe forty? Then what?"Through the dark she reached for my hand and squeezed gently. "There's no difference between us; we're all going to leave this world to live in Paradise or agonize in Hell. Listen to the words of Allah:
Anyone who is pushed away from the Fire and shown into Jannah will have triumphed.
I left my sister's room dazed, her words ringing in my ears:“May Allah guide you Hanan - don't forget your prayer.”
I heard pounding on my door at eight o'clock in the morning. I don't usually wake up at this time. There was crying and confusion. O Allah, what happened?

Noorah’s condition became critical after Fajr; they took her to the hospital immediately.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon.

There wasn't going to be any trips this summer. It was written that I would spend the summer at home.

It felt like an eternity had gone by when it was one o'clock in the afternoon. Mother phoned the hospital.

"Yes. You can come and see her now." Dad's voice had changed, and mother could sense something had gone deathly wrong. We left immediately.

Where was that avenue I used to travel and thought was so short? Why was it so very long now? Where was the cherished crowd and traffic that would give me a chance to gaze left and right? Everyone, just move out of our way!

Mother was shaking her head in her hands crying as she made du'a for her Noorah. We arrived at the hospital’s main entrance. One man was moaning, while another was involved in an accident. A third man’s eyes were iced. You couldn’t tell if he was dead or alive.

Noorah was in intensive care. We skipped stairs to her floor. The nurse approached us. "Let me take you to her."

As we walked down the aisles the nurse went on expressing how sweet of a girl Noorah was. She somewhat reassured Mother that Noorah’s condition had gotten better than what it was in the morning. "Sorry. No more than one visitor at a time,” the nurse said.

This was the intensive care unit. Past the flurry white robes, through the small window in the door, I caught my sister’s eyes. Mother was standing beside her. After about two minutes, mother came out unable to control her crying. "You may enter and say salaam to her on the condition that you do not speak too long," they told me. "Two minutes should be enough."

"How are you Noorah? You were fine last night sister, what happened?"

We held hands; she squeezed harmlessly. "Even now, alhamdulillah, I'm doing fine."

"Alhamdulillah...but...your hands are so cold."

I sat on her bedside and rested my fingers on her knee. She jerked it away. "Sorry, did I hurt you?"

"No, it is just that I remembered Allah's words.”

Waltafatul saaqu bil saaq (One leg will be wrapped to the other leg [in the death shroud]).

"Hanan pray for me. I may be meeting the first day of the Hereafter very soon. It’s a long journey and I haven't prepared enough good deeds in my suitcase."

A tear escaped my eye and ran down my cheek at her words. I cried and she joined me. The room blurred away and left us two sisters to cry together. Rivulets of tears splashed down on my sister’s palm, which I held with both hands. Dad was now becoming more worried about me. I've never cried like that before.

At home and upstairs in my room, I watched the sun pass away with a sorrowful day. Silence mingled in our corridors. One after another, my cousins came in my room. The visitors were many and all the voices from downstairs stirred together. Only one thing was clear at that point – Noorah had died!

I stopped distinguishing who came and who went. I couldn't remember what they said. O Allah, where was I? What was going on? I couldn't even cry anymore.

Later that week they told me what had happened. Dad had taken my hand to say goodbye to my sister for the last time. I had kissed Noorah's head.

I remember only one thing while seeing her spread on that bed – the bed that she was going to die on. I remembered the verse she recited:

One leg will be wrapped to the other leg (in the death shroud).

And I knew too well the truth of the next verse:

The drive on that day will be to your Lord (Allah)!

I tiptoed into her prayer room that night. Staring at the quiet dressers and silenced mirrors, I treasured the person that had shared my mother's stomach with me. Noorah was my twin sister.

I remembered who I had swapped sorrows with, who comforted my rainy days. I remembered who prayed for my guidance and who spent so many tears for many long nights telling me about death and accountability. May Allah save us all.

Tonight is Noorah's first night that she shall spend in her tomb. O Allah, have mercy on her and illumine her grave. This was her Qur'an and her prayer mat. And this was the spring, rose-colored dress that she told me she would hide until she got married; the dress she wanted to keep just for her husband.

I remembered my sister and cried over all the days that I had lost. I prayed to Allah to have mercy on me, accept me and forgive me. I prayed to Allah to keep her firm in her grave as she always liked to mention in her supplications.

At that moment, I stopped. I asked myself what if it was I who had died. Where would I be moving on to? Fear pressed me and the tears began all over again.

“Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar…” The first adhan rose softly from the masjid. It sounded so beautiful this time. I felt calm and relaxed as I repeated the mu’adhin’s call. I wrapped the shawl around my shoulders and stood to pray Fajr. I prayed as if it was my last prayer, a farewell prayer, just like Noorah had done yesterday. It had been her last Fajr.

Now, and in sha Allah for the rest of my life, if I awake in the morning I do not count on being alive by evening, and in the evening I do not count on being alive by morning. We are all going on Noorah's journey. What have we prepared for it?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Pray Before You Are Prayed Upon


FAJR : the glow of their face is taken away.

ZUHR : the blessing of their income is taken away.

ASR : the strength of their body is taken away.

MAGHRIB : they are not benefited by their children.

ISHA : the peace of their sleep is taken away.

SAYINGS (HADITH) OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam)

The one who disdains prayers (Salat) will receive Fifteen punishments from Allah..

Six punishments in this lifetime

Three while dying

Three in the grave

Three on the Day of Judgment.


1. Allah takes away blessings from his age (makes his life misfortunate)

2. Allah does not accept his plea (Dua’s)

3. Allah erases the features of good people from his face.

4. He will be detested by all creatures on earth.

5. Allah does not reward him for his good deeds. (No thawab)

6. He will not be included in the Dua’s of good people.


1. He dies humiliated.

2. He dies hungry.

3. He dies thirsty. Even if he drinks the water of all seas he will
still be thirsty.


1. Allah tightens his grave until his chest ribs come over each other.

2. Allah pours on him fire with embers.

3. Allah sets on him a snake called ‘the brave’, ‘the bold’ which hits
him from morning until afternoon for leaving Fajrprayer, from the
afternoon until Asr for leaving Dhuhr prayer and so on. With each
strike he sinks 70 yards under the ground.


1. Allah sends who would accompany him to hell pulling him on the face.

2. Allah gives him an angry look that makes the flesh of his face fall down.

3. Allah judges him strictly and orders him to be thrown in hell.

Please forward this
message TODAY to your friends and relatives and earn abundant Rewards
from Allah Subhanahu Watala. Reblogging is much appreciated. JazakAllah.

Flight Janazah

Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatul Llahi Wabarakatu..

Welcome aboard Fly Air Janazah
When we are leaving this world for the next one, it shall be like a trip to another country.
Where details of that country won’t be found in glamorous travel brochures but in the Holy Qura’an and the Hadiths.
Where our plane won’t be Indian Air Lines, British Airways, Gulf Air or Emirates but Air Janazah.
Where our luggage won’t be the allowed 30 Kgs but our deeds no matter how heavy they weigh.
You don’t pay for excess luggage. They are carried free of charge, with your Creator’s compliment.
Where our dress won’t be a Pierre Cardin suit or the like but the white cotton shroud.
Where our perfume won’t be Channel, Paco Rabane, but the camphor and attar.
Where our passports won’t be Indian, British, French or American but Al Islam.
Where our visa won’t be the 6 months leave to stay or else but the “La Illaha Illallah”. Where the airhostess won’t be a gorgeous female but Isra’iil and its like. Where the in-flight services won’t be 1st class or economy but a piece of beautifully scented or foul smelling cloth. Where our place of destination won’t be Heathrow Terminal 1 or Jeddah International Terminal but the last Terminal Graveyard. Where our waiting lounge won’t be nice carpeted and air-conditioned rooms but the 6 feet deep gloomy Qabar.
Where the Immigration Officer won’t be His Majesty’s officers but Munkar and Nakeer. They only check out whether you deserve the place you yearn to go. Where there is no need for Customs Officers or detectors. Where the transit airport will be Al Barzakh. Where our final place of destination will be either the Garden under which rivers flow or the Hellfire.
This trip does not come with a price tag. It is free of charge, So your savings would not come handy. This flight can never be hijacked so do not worry about terrorists. Food won’t be served on this flight so do not worry about your allergies or whether the food is Halal. Do not worry about legroom; you won’t need it, as our legs will become things of the past. Do not worry about delays. This flight is always punctual. It arrives and leaves on time. Do not worry about the in-flight entertainment program because you would have lost all your sense of joy. Do not worry about booking this trip, it has already been booked (return) the day you became a fetus in your mother’s womb.
Ah! At last good news! Do not worry about who will be sitting next to you. You will have the luxury of being the only passenger. So enjoy it while you can. If only you can! One small snag though, this trip comes with no warning. Are you prepared… better be ! Please spread the truth and Insha-Allah our Muslim brothers & sisters will understand and practice the guiding principles, whatever way they can afford to uphold our believe of our religion Islam in this world and in the hereafter.

Sunday, May 15, 2011



      Me and my sister went to a seminar today, and I learned a lot. Alhamdulillah that we are able to go.